Blue Mountains Liquor Co.

Genuine Australian Store
Liquor > Blue Mountains Liquor Co.

Australia’s only Craft Distiller of sugar-free liqueurs in the country.

Our journey started in the midst of our first lock down, around 2021. My wife and I were enjoying a few(!) alcoholic beverages and discussing our daughter who had just turned 18. She was diagnosed with epilepsy as an 11 year old, and over the years, we discovered one of her main triggers to having a seizure is sugar (and other foods high in carbohydrates).

After a bit of research, it became obvious there were no commercially available sugar-free liqueurs on the market. Sure, there were plenty of homemade recipes online, but nothing that you could purchase off the shelf or available when out on the town. That’s when we came up with the idea of making sugar-free liqueur alternatives.

Well, 3 years later, a lot of blood, sweat and tears and a crazy amount of recipe development, here we are: three sugar-free liqueurs ready for you all to enjoy! We won’t just be limiting our releases to liqueurs though. The sky is the limit as long as every product is sugar-free. We plan on releasing more liqueurs, gins, vodka’s and all manner of strange and delightful drinks catering for everyone’s alcoholic pleasures.

So, that’s us in a nut-shell: two parents worried about their kid’s future potential alcohol consumption (FPAC™).

We did say we were responsible…

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